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partner with us

We are so excited to step into what the Lord has called the Bell family to do in this season WHOLEHEARTEDLY.


Our heart and ministry is to help equip the church in worship. This looks like us leading worship, teaching, and hosting workshops on Biblical worship, musicianship and the prophetic + spontaneous.


In order for us to put time and energy into traveling, songwriting, preparing teachings, and releasing music, we need support from our community and those that believe in what we are doing. We would love to invite you to sew into our mininistry and give on a monthly basis or a one time gift.


Your donations will be used to run our nonprofit organization, to support our family so we can allocate more time to our ministry, and it will help cover travel costs for ministry trips.

* * * We are a 501(c)(3) ministry, so any donations made will be tax deductible.



Whether or not you are able to partner with us financially, we would love to be covered in prayer. Here are some ways you can be praying for us.

  • Pray for the right opportunities to come our way that allow us to release what the Lord has deposited in us.

  • Pray that everywhere we go, people encounter freedom in worship and that the body of Christ is strengthened and uplifted.

  • Pray for protection over our family and that the Lord's hand would be over us in this huge step of faith. 



Brett & Amanda Bell

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